Products and Service
TWINCOIL™ Air-Conditioning System for Energy saving in general Air-Conditioning System & Indoor air quality control purpose.
Absorption Chiller that fully compliance to UL listed with better performance to others.
On-line Energy Monitoring and Demand Control System
Biochemical to remove scale in heat exchangers; chillers and boilers etc to enhance heat/cooling transfer performance.
HC Refrigerant to replace CFC & HCFC refrigerant for Energy Saving & Reduce Environmental impact purpose.
Module designed Heat Exchanger & Hot Water Storage for heat recovery on wasted heat like gas condenser; exhaust gas etc.
Energy Saving Technology in Air-Conditioning & Refrigerant System
Oil Free; Two Stage Turbo & Multiple Compressors with High Efficiency Permanent Magnet Motor (HEPMM) with port load performance of 0.4 kW/RT